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Results Hub

Business Impact of People Analytics

Person Checking Data

Interim findings, September 2018

In July 2018 we embarked on a mission to create a hub for the People Analytics Industry - showcasing the Business Impact, Methodologies and Techstack being used in the HR industry's fastest evolving discipline.

The survey is still live and we anticipate the final conclusions will evolve as we drive even greater participation - however we wanted to share some early observations & data as some of you enter budget season! Thank you to all who have taken part and we hope you find these initial insights useful in planning your own People Analytics strategies for 2019. If you would like more information please just get in touch - and we will of course update the findings later in the year.

Also just a few notes of thanks to those who have supported this research - particularly the team at Insight222 (Jonathan Ferrar, David Green & Ian Bailie), Richard Goff @ The People Director Partnership and also Gavin Walford-Wright from DAMAC Group.

Insight 222 and Meoki People Analytics R

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People Analytics

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This Research

project is still ongoing

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Participants ... so far


Conducted in partnership with

People Analytics Industry Guru's


CHRO's, HRBP's & Functional HR Leaders / Specialists 


People Analytics professionals

Participants from UK, Europe, US & Middle East

44% participants work for Global businesses

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Representing 15 core industries...





Financial Services 

Food & Beverage

Healthcare & Pharmaceuticals

Hospitality, Hotels & Theme Parks

Human Resources



Heavy Industry

Real Estate & Property Development

Professional Services

Management Consulting

Technology, Internet & Electronics

28% have more than 50K total workforce 


26% have a workforce between

500 to 1000 

Business Impact

Substantial Impact


Substantially improved HR Credibility & Impact


Substantially reduced Human Capital Risk


Substantially improved Employee Engagement & eNPS


Substantially improved Workforce Productivity


Substantially increased Revenues


State they have increased profits by more than $1m as a direct result of People Analytics insights


State they have increased profits by more than $10m in the last 12 months alone

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Minimal or No Impact


Little or no impact on Revenue


Little or no impact on EBITDA


Little or no impact on Customer Satisfaction


Little or no impact on Organisational Culture


Little or no impact on Workforce Productivity


State they are as yet NOT able to quantify the financial impact of their People Analytics activities & insights

Workforce Insights

High Impact Insights:


Workforce Planning - Headcount, Outsourcing & Payroll Costs


Workforce Productivity & ROI


Employee Retention & Attrition


Recruitment, Selection & Assessment


Talent Management & Succession Planning

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We examined the Top 5 ranked Employee Life-cycle Insights - where participants have identified the greatest business value from their People Analytics efforts when looking purely at 'People' related data

Key advice: Start with the business problem, what are you trying to solve and how can insight into your workforce help

To help visualise the #1 Ranked 'People & 'Workforce' insights.

Note 23% answered N/A indicating 

Workforce insights hadn't as yet been able to deliver tangible business value. It's important to ask the right question...

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...However a number of additional themes appear when you examine the Top 5 ranked responses in a little more detail

In particular noting Organisation Design & Structures, Employee Experience, Compensation, Social Collaboration,

Workforce Diversity, Working Conditions & Performance Management


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Methodologies, Tools & TeckStack

Diagnostic Analysis and Descriptive Analytics are still perceived to have a greater impact than either Predictive or Prescriptive Analytics

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And when we asked about the specific technologies being used here's what participants have told us.

Excel still reigns - but several tools are gaining traction - and shows the huge amount of choice in the market place.  

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Whilst this may be true - it could also perhaps be a reflection of the lack of adoption/relative immaturity of both Predictive and Prescriptive Analytics practice in the HR industry?

Note the significant number of organisations 'Considering' or 'Procuring' People Analytics solutions. 


This supports Analyst predictions that the People Analytics sector is expected to grow exponentially - becoming a US $2.5bn+ industry by 2020 with a CAGR of 16%+

Interesting to note the vastly different TechStack families that have been highlighted too. From social media sites, desktop apps to best of breed SaaS tools. The mainstream BI tools are also being adopted as are the dedicated & specialist Machine Learning / AI platforms. Pure play People Analytics Platforms are also building market traction.

We also asked about your #1 People Analytics Technology ...the one you couldn't do without!

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Visier currently tops the WordCloud pile - with several other tools mentioned

Data Integration


Only 16% of respondents said their integration of Workforce data with Financial, Customer and Commercial data was either very or extremely effective

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The Future


We also asked a little about the Future.


Blockchain is yet to hit the mainstream Radar in HR teams thus far it seems - but some organisations are now looking at this seriously


Agreed or Strongly Agreed that People Analytics is a priority focus in the next 1-3 years

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This is just the beginning. We are happy to share these insights openly in the spirit of progressing the People & Workforce Analytics Industry.

Please do share with your colleagues and network - and let's create a hub to help educate our profession.

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